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Moojus' Cribbage Hint #1
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Moojus' Cribbage Hint #1
Posted by
(VIP) 23 Feb 2006 10:01pm
After much prodding, I am beginning a series on ‘Improving Your Cribbage Game’. I enjoy the camaraderie of the Game Colony family and would like to help the family improve.
For those of you on the American Cribbage Congress (ACC) Tournament Trail, you most likely know most, if not all, of these hints and even more!
These suggestions for improvement come from many sources, including, but not limited to the following: • “Play Winning Cribbage” by Delynn Colvert (the undisputed top player in North America) • “Cribbage: A New Concept” by John Chambers • The Cribbage Forum web site hosted by Michael Schell • Hints from some of the top American Cribbage Congress Players • My personal experiences
Today’s tip: It is better to give up 3 points than it is to give up 6.
The only ‘safe’ pair occurs when you pair (match) your opponents last playable card; that is their fourth card or there is insufficient points under 31 such that your opponent cannot play a third match for pairs royal.
The most frequent misplay that I see my opponents make is the needless taking of a ‘pair’ for 2 points with the score such that your opponent can ‘trip’ you (play a third card) for pairs royal and 6 points. When you take a pair, you must have a valid reason for taking the pair. The most valid reason for taking a pair is that if it will not hurt me if my opponent has a third one and scores 6 points. One should not take a pair just so that your opponent does not have the opportunity to score a run. Remember, it is better to give up 3 points than it is to give up 6.
As a rule of thumb, unless you are also holding a pair, do not pair a first card play by the pone (non-dealer) of a 2, 5, or Jack. The majority of pones only lead from these cards when they are holding a second one for backup. With the most frequent discard being the King, it is less dangerous to pair the King lead; another lead that is sometimes safe to pair is the 4. Some good players will lead from the lone Jack since they realize that most players will not pair the Jack lead since they expect there to be a backup.
I hope that some of you are able to use my hints.
Bob ‘Moojus’ Milk
Disclaimer: I have no vested interest in any of the publications listed. These techniques work for me and for many others; your results may vary.
Cribbage Hint #1
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Feb 2006 9:05am
Well done Moo thank you sharing a most helpful tip. I’m sure the most experienced players and novices like me, will be able to learn something from you, perhaps with a few more tips I may be able to beat you once in a while. Thanks keep the tips coming
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Feb 2006 12:23pm
Moo, if i was ever to introduce you as a speaker,It would be along the lines of... I would like you to meet a man with class who wants all to enjoy life at a higher level. Thank You Bath
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Feb 2006 5:06pm
Thats a great idea moojus, I could do with some tips. Just a thought though, suppose pone leads a 10 and I hold 9,10,J,J. If I play the 10, I will score 2 for the pair and maybe give 6 points away, but that only makes 4 points lost, and there are only 2 tens left in the pack. If I play the 9 or J, there are far more opportunities to score the 3 for the run. So maybe the odds are better to play the pair in that circumstance. Just a thought, but that is the way I tend to play that sort of position (maybe why I lose so much!) Cheers roofman
Posted by
24 Feb 2006 6:16pm
I normally would pair the 10, but the overiding question is: What is the board position of both you and your opponent?
Moo's cribbage 'juice'
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Feb 2006 10:06pm
Well done my friend! I have long enjoyed this grand game - about 10 years ago I decided I wanted to raise my game to hold my own with the very best players, both online and in ACC events. I invested in both of Colvert's books and read and reread them-trying to absorb all the hints and philosophy and then (trying to, lol) applying that in all my games. It was some of the best crib education out there; the game theory is awesome. One small hint I would add is to get to know your opponents and how they play-make a few mental notes of what they like to discard to their/your cribs-assuming they have choices when doing so. No matter how skilled any player thinks they are, there is a massive amount of information/knowledge we can all acquire and we can all get a little bit better if we are open to learning, constructive criticism and advice. I look forward to more of your hints/experiences esp. anything to do with 'board position' management. You're a super class guy and GC is lucky to have you as such an asset to this site! Pete
Moo's pointers
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Feb 2006 8:02am
Thanks!! I need all the help I can get. Karl
Playing 5's
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Feb 2006 11:36am
As both the dealer and pone, what is the best way to play a hand with 2 5's and 2 face cards. Mnay times that hand causes me more problems than help
whats the odds of a 29 hand ??????
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Feb 2006 2:28pm
I would like to wish you all some thing i never have had in 50+years playing a 29 hand !!!!
Posted by
25 Feb 2006 6:25pm
appreciate the hints B.......... jer how many times are you going to post the same message?
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